Monday, May 25, 2020






1.1 Role Played By Dams & Reservoirs


 Dams have been built across rivers by mankind right from the dawn of civilization for storing the river flow during rainy season and releasing it during the remaining part of year for either domestic use or for irrigation. Flood control has been another important function of these dams. While releasing water from the storages, hydroelectric energy is also generated.  With the growth of population all these functions of dams and storages have assumed great significance and hence every civilization has tried to keep pace with the needs of the society for food, energy, fibre and well being through this activity of water resources development.


1.2 Inputs For Safe Design


 Dams constitute perhaps the largest and the most complex of structures being built by civil engineers.  Basic input of water is dependent on nature, so also the river course, its history, its underlying strata and its stability.  Assessment of the variability of these natural phenomenon and providing for it in the design of a dam, has been an important challenge for the dam builders.  The dams are built to last from 100 to 300 years depending upon merits of each case.  During their service life, they are designed to withstand all the possible destabilizing forces with a certain factor of safety which has been an indicator of a factor of ignorance or lack of knowledge of various response processes of materials used in construction, the stresses caused, the stains experienced and finally the failure mechanism.



1.3 Design Constants


 The destabilizing forces themselves are associated with a significant natural variability.  Assessment of the range of these forces likely to affect a dam stability during its lifetime and then ascribing a design value for such forces has been and will continue to be a matter of study and concern for the designers.  Every design or construction engineer cannot study these processes for every dam and hence standards or codes of design and construction practice are laid down and updated as information and knowledge grows  Assistance of scientists working in fields such as Hydrometeorology, Geology, Geophysics, Geomorphology, Seismology in assessing the likely parameters of these forces is taken, the information collected is processed as per standards and design constants worked out.


 Large dams store very large volumes of water.  Design of such dams, therefore, has to be extra safe so that there is a minimum probability of their failure and consequent rapid or sudden release of storage which can cause disproportionate flooding and losses to the human habitats in the downstream.  Very stringent codes are laid down for this purpose.  In case of inflow into a reservoir, for instance, a conceptual Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) is determined by following special analytical procedures.  If the reservoir and the spillway caters to a properly determined outflow on the basis of such inflow, the dam  

would be hydrologically safe.  In similar manner, geotechnical properties of foundation material or construction material can be determined and design constants worked out so that structural design based on them yields a safe structural construction.  Statistically speaking, the design constants should cover the probability of occurrence of forces expected during the lifetime of the structure under design.


1.4 Design Philosophy


 The codes of practice invariably lag the strata or knowledge or state of Research & Development (R&D).  In fact codification follows verification of generated knowledge and its global  acceptance.  Codes, therefore, tend to remain conservative and normally incorporate a higher factor of safety and hence perhaps yield structures with larger dimension and/or with higher costs.  There is yet another aspect of design philosophy which is not very explicitly understood nor adequately explained.  It pertain to the various stages of design for complex structures like dams viz. conceptualization, pre-feasibility, feasibility, detailed project report (DPR), pre-construction, early construction and advanced construction stages.


1.5 Refine The Design As You Build


 A designer starts with broad concept of design parameters in the beginning and goes on refining his data base and hence the designs, as he proceeds through the various stages.  He assumes for the sake of his inadequate data base, simplifications or generalizations which obviously incorporates a large factor safety in initial stages.  As the passes through successive stages, his data base proves, better and more accurate data base emerges;  the range of design constants narrows down and factor of safety reduces.    Generally, the outer dimensions of a structure do not necessarily get modified; but components,  zones or internal arrangements of a structure do undergo modification.  The structure’s response to the destabilizing forces is worked out with greater detail and is refined while moving from one stage to the next stage.  Engineers call this a process which is loosely described as ‘Design as you build’  or ‘Refine the design as you build’ mode.  It certainly does not mean inadequacy of design or does not reflect on ignorance or incompetence of project or design engineers.  However, an inadequate understanding of this very philosophy is one major factor responsible for much public criticism of many of our water resources projects.



2.0 Defensive Measures


International practice recommends deployment of various defensive measures to provide extra safety in design of high risk rockfill dams.


- Allow ample freeboard to allow for settlement, slumping or faul movements.


 - Use wide transition zones of material not vulnerable to cracking.


 - Use chimney near the central portion of embankment.


- Provide ample drainage zones to allow for possible flow of water through cracks.


 - Use wide core zones of plastic materials not vulnerable to cracking.


 - Use a well-graded filter zone upstream of the core to serve as a crack  stopper.


 - Provide crest details which will prevent erosion in the event of       overtopping.


 - Flare the embankment core at abutment contacts.


 - Locate the core to minimize the degree of saturation of materials.


 - Stabilize slopes around the reservoir rim to prevent slides into the   reservoir.


- Provide special details if danger of fault movement in foundation exists.


This list should not by any means be considered as all-inclusive.  However, defensive measures, specially the use of wide filters and transition zones, provide a major contribution to earthquake-resistant design and should be the first consideration by the prudent engineer in arriving at a solution to problems posed by the possibility of earthquake effects.



3.0 Criteria for Safe Design of Earth/Rock fill Dam


(i)  There should lie no possibility of dam being overtopped by flood water.


(ii)  The seepage line should be well within the downstream face.


(iii) The u/s and d/s slopes should be stable under worst condition.


(iv)  The foundation shear stresses should be under safe limits.


(v)  There should be no opportunity of free flow of water from u/s to d/s face.


(vi)  The dam and foundation should be safe against piping.


(vii) The U/s face should be properly protected against wave action and the d/s        face against the action of rain



Typical location of core and filter on two sides of core

4.1 Core


4.2 The core provides impermeable barrier within the body of the dam. Impervious soils are generally suitable for core.  However, soils having high compressibility and liquid limit are not suitable as they are prone to swelling and formation of cracks.


Soils having organic content are also not suitable.  IS:1498-1970 may be  referred for suitability of soils for core.  Appendix A gives recommendations  based on IS:14981970.  Recommendations regarding suitability of soils for  construction of core for earth dams in earthquake zones are given in Appendix B.


4.3 Core may be located either centrally or inclined upstream.  The location will depend mainly on the availability of materials, topography of site, foundation conditions, diversions considerations, etc.  The main advantage of a central core is that it provides higher pressures at the contact between the core and the foundation educing the possibility of leakage and piping.  On the other hand  inclined core reduced the pore pressures in the downstream part of the dam and thereby increases its safety.  It also permits construction of downstream casing ahead of the core. The section with  inclined core allows the use of relatively large volume of random material on the  downstream.



4.4. The following practical considerations govern the thickness of the core:


a) Availability of suitable impervious material; b) Resistance to piping; c) Permissible seepage through the dam; and d) Availability of other materials for casing, filter, etc.


However, the minimum top width of the core should be 3.0 m.


4.5  The top level of the core should be fixed at least 1 metre above the maximum  water level to prevent  seepage by capillary siphoning.


5.0 Casing


5.1 The function of casing is to impart stability and protect the core. The relatively   pervious materials, which are not subject to cracking on direct exposure to atmosphere are suitable for casing. IS:1498-1970  may be referred for suitability of soils for casing. Appendix A gives recommendations based on IS:1498-1970.


6.0 Special Design Requirements


6.1 In addition to basic design requirements given at 5, the following special design  requirements, should also be satisfied for both earth and rock fill dams: a) Control of cracking. b) Stability in earthquake regions, and c) Stability at junctions.


6.2 Control of Cracking - Cracking of impervious zone results into a failure of an earth dam by erosion, breaching, etc.  Due consideration to cracking phenomenon shall, therefore, be given in the design of earth dam.


6.3 Reasons of Cracking - Cracking in the core of earth or rockfill dam occurs due to foundation settlement and/or differential movements within the embankment.  Differential  movements in the embankment take place due to the following reasons:

a) Unsuitable  and/or poorly compacted fill materials, b) Different compressibility and stress-strain characteristics of the various fill materials, and c) Variation in thickness of fill over irregularly shaped or steeply inclined abutments.


6.4 .Cracking also develops by tensile strains caused by various loads, such as dead load of the structure, filling of the reservoir and seismic forces.  Hydraulic fracturing of the core may also occur when the hydrostatic pressure at a section in the core exceeds the total minor principal stress at that section.


6.5 Types of Cracks - Cracks may be classified based on the following factors:    a) Mechanism by which cracks are developed, such as tensile, compressive, shrinkage or shearing. b) Types of surface with which the cracking is associated, such as flat or steep. c) Physical process involved, such as moisture or temperature changes, loading or unloading action and dynamic activity, such as blasting or earthquakes.



6.6 Tensile stresses produce cracks on flat surface by capillary action in the moisture  range just below saturation.  Tensile stress steep slope category cracks are associated with slumping in poorly consolidated materials.


6.7  Shrinkage cracks are produced by wetting and drying  action in the moisture                               range of plasticity index.


6.8  Compression  cracks  on flat  surface  are  produced by   an  abrupt  change  in    moisture followed by substantial consolidation and cracking around the periphery of the affected area.


6.9  Cracking associated with shearing is commonly associated with steep slopes.   There are two conditions  in  this category.  One is differential settlement  which                                          involves a limited range of motion and the other is a slide failure which may involve any amount of motion.  The differential settlement condition commonly involves a structure extending over two or more kinds of foundation with differing compressive characteristics or a differential loading condition on a single kind of foundation material.


6.10   Slide failures may be associated with loading ,unloading or moisture change, the  distinguishing characteristics is the potential for continued movement.


6.11   Importance of Cracks - Relative importance of each type of crack category or  group is given at to


6.11.1  Where  permeability  and  possible  erosion  are  of  primary  concern,  the tension  group is potentially the most serous.  In this group, the cracks are open and although usually only superficial, those associated with steep slopes may extend to depths comparable to the size of structure involved. 


Though the development of this type of cracking is from the surface, it may persist, although deeply buried, where eventually it may contribute to unsatisfactory seepage action.


6.11.2  Where maintenance of position is a prime structural requirement the compression  type of cracking is the most important because it is probable that when this type of cracking appears the settlement has already completed.


6.11.3  Shearing cracks are identified primarily by displacement between the two sides  and a tearing configuration.  Unlike tension or compression cracking, shearing cracks commonly occur early in the failure action and further movement can be expected after the first cracking shows up.


6.12 Measures for Control of Cracking - Following measures are recommended for  control of cracking:


a) Use of plastic clay core and rolling the core material at slightly more than optimum moisture content.  In case of less plastic clay, 2 to 5 percent bentonite of 200 to 300 liquid limit may be mixed to increase the plasticity. b) Use of wider core to reduce the possibility of transverse or horizontal cracks extending through it.   c) Careful selection of fill materials to reduce the  differential movement.  To restrict the rockfill in lightly loaded outer casings and to use well graded  materials in the inner casings on either side of the core. d) Wide transition zones of properly graded filters of adequate width for handling drainage, if cracks develop. e) Special treatment, such as preloading, pre-saturation, removal of weak material etc., to the foundation and abutment, if warranted. f) Delaying placement of core material in the crack region till most of the settlement takes place. g) Arching the dam horizontally between steep abutments. h) Flattening the downstream slope or increase slope stability in the event of saturation from crack leakage. i) Cutting back of steep abutment slopes.




7.0 Foundation Treatment Below Core :


The core contact area includes the foundation contact for the entire base width of  the  impervious core, the upstream and the downstream filter zones, transitions and the downstream drain.  This area is the most important and critical in the foundation treatment of earth-core rockfill dams. The controlling factors are:


1. The rock under the core, including the infilling material in faults and joints, must be non-erodible and must be  protected from erosion under seepage gradients that will develop under the core. 2. Materials of the core must be prevented from moving down into the foundations. 3. The contact between the core and the foundation rock surface must remain intact despite distortions that might occur in the dam due to its weight and reservoir loading.


The primary hazards to a high embankment dam are cracking within the corecaused by unequal settlement and the development of seepage channels along the contact of the impervious core with the foundation and abutment rock. Either of these defects could lead to failure of the dam.  It must therefore be ensured that the foundation in the core-contact area consists of sound and hard rock reasonablyfree from joints and fissures which could be the cause of internal erosion.


These objectives are achieved by excavation of the uppermost weathered rock zones to the level of sound rock and by consolidation grouting to reduce the permeability of the rock under the excavated surface.  Jointed rock is an acceptable foundation, provided the joints do not contain soft materials or clays to  an extent that could endanger the stability of the rock.  


8.0 Suitability of Soils for Construction of  Earth Dam 




Zoned Earthdam



    Impervious  Core

Pervious   Casting


Very suitable   





CL, CI  



Fairly suitable  


SP, GP    






Not suitable  





9.0 Suitability of Soils for Construction of Core of Earth Dam in Earthquake Zones




Type of Soil


Very Good   

Very well graded coarse mixtures of sand, gravel  and fines., D85 coarser than 50mm, D50 coarser than 6 mm. If fines are cohesionless,  not more than 20 percent finer than 75 micron IS Sieve.



a) Well graded mixture of sand, gravel and clayey  fines, D85 coarser than 25 mm  Fines consisting of              inorganic clay (CL with plasticity index greater than 12).

b) Highly plastic tough clay (CH with plasticity           index greater than 20).



Fair    a) Fairly well graded, gravelly, medium to coarse  sand with cohesionless fines, D85  coarser than 19 mm,   D50  between 0.5 mm and 3.0 mm. Not more than 25 percent finer than 75 micron IS sieve. b) Clay of medium plasticity (CL with plasticity index greater than 12).



) Clay of low plasticity (CL and CL-ML)  with   little coarse fraction.  Plasticity index between 5 and 8.  Liquid limit greater than 25. Liquid limit greater than 25.

b) Silts of medium to high plasticity (ML or MH)        with little coarse fraction.  Plasticity index greater than 10.   

 c) Medium sand with cohesion less fines.  


Very Poor  

a) Fine, uniform, cohesion less silty sand, D85          finer than 0.3 mm.     

b) Silt from medium plasticity to cohesionless (ML)          Plasticity index less than 10.      



10.0 Location of Core in Dam Section and Type of Core 


The  core can be located in one of the following three positions:


(1) central,


(2)  moderately slanting or


(3) slanting. 


The central location need not be exactly  symmetrical: cores with a steeper downstream slope and flatter upstream slope, or  even with a slight slant  in the upstream  direction would still have characteristics  of central cores. 


When the downstream face of the core has an upstream slant of  0.5 H : 1 V or more, the core may be considered as moderately slanting. 


A truly  slanting core would be such that the downstream zone has a self-supporting slope,  i.e., 1.25 H:1 V or more,; such a core is almost always associated with a rockfill  dam in which the main mass of rockfill downstream of the core can be placed independently by dumping or in thick layers and the placement of filter zones,  core and upstream pervious zone taken up later.  Even with  a moderately slanting  core, if the downstream rockfill zone is substantial, it is possible to carry out a  portion of the work ahead of  core placement.


The relative advantages and disadvantages of vertical and sloping cores are  discussed below:



10.1 Slanting Core




j) Downstream rockfill can be placed in advance and laying of filter, core and  upstream zone can be taken up later.  This ensures rapid progress as placement of  bulk rockfill in the downstream portion is accelerated, especially in conditions  wherein core placement is possible only during part of the year.


ii) Foundation grouting of the core can be carried out while the downstream shell is being placed and thus better progress achieved.


iii) Since a very small part of the slip surface intersects the slanting core, the section is practically free from the steady seepage pore pressures and is thus

more stable under a steady-state condition.  This results in a steeper slope of the downstream shell and corresponding economy.


iv) Since the flow lines are essentially vertical and equipotential lines are almost horizontal under sudden drawdown, the drawdown pore pressures are very much reduced.  However, a larger part of the slip surface for the upstream slope passes through the core material than would be the case with a central  core.


v) In the case of cracking of the core, the inclined core will leave a large mass of stable rockfill on the downstream side and is likely to be safer. vi) Filter layers can be made thinner and placed more conveniently.





i) The depth of excavation of the foundation at the contact surface of the core is determined by the nature of the formations and cannot be predetermined in advance.  Thus advance treatment of the contact area may present a problem in the case of a slanting core because if the depth of excavation increases, the contact area moves upstream.


ii) By slanting the core upstream, although the downstream slope can be made steeper, nevertheless, the upstream slope will generally become flatter as the shear strength of the core material will be less than that of the pervious shell material; the advantage of reduced drawdown pore pressures may not compensate this factor.  Thus any economy in total quantity of materials by adjustment of core position would depend on the relative strength of the two materials.


10.2 Central Core




 i) Provides higher pressure on the contact surface between the core and the    foundation, thus reducing the possibility of hydraulic fracturing.


ii) For a given quantity of soil, the central core provides slightly greater    thickness.


iii) Provides better facility for grouting of foundation or contact zone or any cracks in the core if required afterwards, as this can be done through vertical rather than inclined holes.


iv) Foundation area is independent of depth of foundation and hence can be marked and treated in advance.





 i) The advantages listed for a slanting are not obtainable.  Also, a moderately   thick central core with pervious shells will result in a slightly flatter    downstream slope of the dam.  ii) The problem of differential settlement between the core and the shell zone    may result in cracking parallel to the dam axis.



11.0 Design of Filters for Earth/Rockfill Dams


11.1 Introduction 


 Water conservation and development of water resources for irrigation have attracted human ingenuity since time immemorial.  A number of ancient tanks and earthen embankments stand testimony to the skill of our ancestors.  The Grand Anicut across Cauvery River, built more than 1600 years ago and providing irrigation to 0.4 million hectares of land, is a typical example of the ancient earth dams in the country, still in service today.  In the past, design of earthen dams was mainly carried by the rule of thumb and judgment of the designer, and the heights adopted were moderate.  Advances in the field of soils mechanics and construction equipment over the years have made it possible to design and construct earth/rockfill dams to heights which would have been considered impossible in the past 


 Design and construction practice for embankment dams have undergone a number of changes over the years.  One of the important features that could be noticed is recognition of the useful role of ‘protective filters’.  Analysis of the performance of embankment dams in the world showed that there are almost no cases of damage or failure by piping, when filters had been provided as per accepted design practices, and  most of the failures had occurred in dams without chimney filter or which had excessively coarse filters.  Well planned filter drainage has become obligatory in the design of modern dams.  Filters are provided to safely carry the seepage water which may pass through the body of dam, through the foundations, or along their contact, thus protecting the structure against the undesirable and harmful effects of seepage.  Generally seepage is expected to occur through the pores of the base soil.  But there could be a more severe condition of water leaking through cracks which may develop in the dam body foundation system.  Enough evidence already exists from the observed behaviour of dams, supported  by theoretical calculations, that such concentrated leaks can develop due to various reasons.  Fortunately, recent studies have shown that the filters, if adequately designed can also be effective  in controlling erosion through such concentrated leaks.  The embankment dam designer should therefore pay adequate attention in arriving at a proper design of these filters.


The filter criteria contained in the IS code is based on the criteria recommended by Terzaghi and studies carried out with non-cohesive soils.  There is scope to improve the provisions in the code to cater all soil types.  Recent studies, which included controlled laboratory tests performed by various agencies and individuals ha e brought out some new findings on the evolution of criteria for conservative/critical filters, capable of preventing erosion and sealing off concentrated leaks.  Particulars of this modified criteria and details of its adoption in rehabilitating a dam are briefly described.  Some other situations where protective filters could be advantageously used, are also discussed.



12.0 Conservative Filter Criteria 


As per the Indian Standard Code (IS: 9429-1980) a properly designed filter should satisfy the following requirements:



a) It should be much more pervious than the protected base material. b) It should be of such gradation that particles of the base material do not migrate through or clog the filter voids. c) It should be sufficiently thick to provide a good distribution of all particle sizes throughout the filter.



13.0 Other  criteria for design of filter are as follows:



The above criteria takes into account only the grain size of base material, and is based on  studies made with non-cohesive soils.


Even though the filters are provided generally to take care of the seepage through the pores of  the  embankment soils, they should also be capable of  preventing erosion of soils through concentrated leaks that may occur in the dam body or at the foundation contact.


Certain improvements and modifications to the above criteria have been brought recently on the basis of controlled laboratory tests performed by various organizations and individuals. Contributions by the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service is worth making a special mention.  Filter tests have been conducted using compacted impervious soil specimens with an artificial slot or hole and subjected o water flow discharging into the filters of varying coarseness.  These studies confirmed that a conservative filter would be remarkably effective in preventing erosion and sealing off concentrated leaks, even with relatively high water pressures, velocities and gradients.  Such filters are required on the downstream face of impervious core of a zoned embankment dam, and in the chimney filter of a homogeneous dam section.  Because of the important role of these filters they are also known as ‘critical filters’.  Some of the useful conclusions drawn from the studies are :


i) The gradation curve of a filter need not have to be parallel or similar in shape to the gradation curve of the base material.


ii) A filter should be uniformly graded to provide permeability and prevent segregation.  Particles finer than 0.075 mm in the filter should not exceed 5 per cent to ensure adequate permeability.  The permeability of a filter should be at least 25 times that of the base material (D15F should be more than 5xD15B).


iii) Coarse broadly graded soils need finer filters than believed to be necessary.  The filter should be designed to protect the fine matrix of the base material

rather than the total range of particle sizes.  Filters designed based on minus 4.75mm are found to be satisfactory.


iv) Sands and gravelly sands with average D15 size of 0.5 mm or smaller are conservative filters for most of the fine-grained clays (including dispersive clays) in nature with D85 size of 0.03 mm or larger.


v) Sand filters with average D15 size of 0.1 mm or smaller are conservative for the finest dispersive clays. Based on the above findings, the US Interior Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) has developed a new set of filter criteria (2).  The filter gradation limits are determined through steps A to B as described below:


A. Select the gradation curve of the base soil that requires the smallest D15F size.


B.  Proceed to step D if the base soil does not contain gravel (4.75 mm and above).


C. Prepare adjusted gradation curves for soils with particles larger than 4.75 mm.  Use the adjusted curve in working step D.


D. Determine the category of the soil from Table-1.


E. Determine the maximum D15F size in accordance with Table-2.


F. To ensure sufficient permeability set the minimum D15F size greater than or equal to 5xD15B, but not less than 0.1 mm.


G. Set the maximum particle size at 75 mm and the maximum passing 0.074 mm must have a plasticity index of zero.


H. Design the filter limits within the maximum and minimum values determined in steps E, F and G.  Plot the limit values and connect all the maximum and minimum points by straight lines.


Typical filter gradation limits arrived for a category 2 type of base soil


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